As the leader in oil sands core handling and analysis, we deliver the highest possible quality of analytical reports for your oil sands samples at a quick turnaround time and effective costs.
Working with our sister compay DigitCore Library Inc.(DCL), we set the industry trend of one-stop, integrated solutions of core logging services, core logging software and analytical services. The trend has profound impact on the oil sands laboratory industry and has changed, and will continually change, its landscape. Our sister company DCL provides core logging services and core logging software, while we provide analyticla services. Under the same leadership of Dr. Greg Hu, we the both companies work closely as a fully integrated team to deliver the best quality and efficiency to our clients.
Our complete routine core testing services meet all core testing needs for any oil sands projects, whether SAGD and mining. Regardless of what size of oil sands projects you have, you can rest with a peace of mind after your core arrives at our door. We take good care of every thing for you from now on. |